Childcare Review
Equitable access to affordable good quality childcare is an aspiration for Governments across the world.
There is universal recognition that affordable good quality childcare is crucial in positively influencing the future lives and achievements of children. Access to affordable childcare enhances a child’s emotional, social and intellectual development with the consequential benefits it brings to families and communities in terms of its contribution to health, educational attainment, and socialisation, participation in training and employment and job creation. (Eire, 1999: 7)
In Jersey there is a perception that the cost of childcare is overly expensive, adversely impacts on the ability of parents to return to work, career progression (primarily in women) and for families to build future economic and social capital.
A report “Jersey Women in Business” published by the Jersey Community Relations Trust in October 2015 concluded that childcare is seen as a major issue by many families because of the cost and inflexibility of available childcare.
As a consequence, JCRT commissioned a report to research the cost of childcare in Jersey.
This report presents information on the cost and availability of childcare in Jersey providing insight into the perspectives of parents, a view point from those working within industry, basic financial modelling and recommendations for change.
A copy of the report can be found here